Thursday, October 9, 2008

Mitchel Lincoln
Did You Know 2.0
o Today’s learners will have 10 to 14 jobs by their 38th birthday
o 70% of 4 year olds have used a computer
o Today’s 21 year olds have watched 20,000 hours of TV, played 10,000 hours of video games, spent 10,000 hours on the phone, sent or received 250,000 texts or e mails
o 1 in 8 married couples met online
o If MySpace were a country it would be the 8th largest in the world
o “We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” -Albert Einstein

In this video I think there were many interesting facts about humans and our habits. It is crazy what 21 year olds have done and how much time they have spent on technology. I believe that in the future the 21 year olds will have topped that by an outstanding amount. I also think that everything we do will be in contact with technology.

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